Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Cool gadget covers. High design. Major coveting

Cool gadget covers. High design. Major coveting

Whether you're into supple leather or slicks wraps, you'll find a lot to covet from this vibrant and unusual collection of gadget covers. We're talking smartphones, iPads, e-readers...and I know, because I've been trying to decide which one to buy for, oh, three days.

The design team at Toviecorrie is so cool they require two separate shops to house all of their gorgeous gadget covers: Toviecorrie for cases in leather and ToviecorrieX if you prefer hard cases.

The plastic shells are only for iPhones, but the leather cases show availability for Samsung Galaxy and will fit a wider range of devices. Be sure to check each listing's measurements. The leather cases also have a soft lining and snazzy strap to keep your device secure.

The bigger-sized gadget cases are just as pretty. It's like being in a candy store! Of cases! The leather ones include Toviecorrie designs printed directly onto high quality leather, while the hard cases use printing on vegan leather with a microfiber lining.

They accept custom orders and will do any design on any size case, so just consider this a very versatile exhibition of beautiful (and sometimes paralyzing) possibilities. -

Find leather smartphone and gadget cases at Toviecorrie. Find hard smartphone and gadget cases at ToviecorrieX.

Find More: Cell Phone Accessories, Laptop Bags + Portability, Tech as Fashion, Techcessories

6 Aplikasi Android Untuk Menu Sahur dan Buka Puasa

NEWSGADGETUPDATE.BLOGSPOT.COM, Jakarta : Ponsel dan tablet Android kini dengan mudah ditemui dengan pilihan teknologi dan harga yang berbeda. Sebagai sistem operasi bersifat open source, banyak vendor global dan lokal berlomba-lomba menghadirkan perangkat teranyarnya.Selain pilihan harga beragam, dukungan aplikasi dan ekosistem yang mumpuni menjadikan ketenaran Android terus meningkat. Bukan sekedar aplikasi game, Android juga didukung dengan aplikasi yang mampu mendukung produktivitas.Bagi Anda yang senang menghabiskan waktu untuk menyiapkan menu khusus saat menjalani puasa Ramadan, Android menyediakan sejumlah aplikasi menu masakan menarik. Berikut enam aplikasi untuk menu sahur dan buka puasa yang dirangkum tim NEWSGADGETUPDATE.BLOGSPOT.COM dari Google Play Store.Sesuai dengan namanya, aplikasi ini berisi resep panganan kecil yang kerap ditemui di pasar tradisional. Aplikasi yang dikembangkan oleh Gula Java Mini Studio ini menampilkan 63 resep makanan tradisional dan modern. Bahan yang digunakan relatif mudah ditemui digabungkan dengan proses pembuatan yang tidak rumit. Jadi Anda tetap bisa menikmati kenikmatan jajanan pasar dengan selera khas rumah tanpa khawatir dengan unsur kebersihan.Tidak jauh berbeda dengan aplikasi jajan pasar, aplikasi kue tradisional juga menampilkan sejumlah menu makanan yang cocok untuk berbuka puasa. Meskipun hanya menampilkan 20 resep kue tradisional, namun Anda bisa mencobanya sendiri di rumah. Beragam menu kue dengan citarasa manis, asin dan pedas dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia tersedia dalam aplikasi ini.Penasaran ingin mencoba kemampuan membuat kue yang sedikit lebih rumit? Anda bisa mencoba beberapa resep kue dalam aplikasi ini. Selain menyediakan resep kue tradisional, aplikasi Resep Kue juga menyertakan resep kue yang sedang digandrungi seperti resep Kue Red Velvet. Ada 76 resep yang bisa Anda coba buat dan hidangkan saat berkumpul dengan keluarga dan kerabat dekat.Aplikasi ini mengingatkan pecinta kuliner pada makanan tradisional khas Manado. Meskipun menggunakan nama yang sama, aplikasi Papeda bukan hanya menyediakan resep masakan dari Manado saja. Ada 32 resep masakan tradisional dari beberapa daerah di Indonesia. Selain bisa 'mencontek' resep masakan tradisional, Anda juga bisa berinteraksi dengan berbagi resep masakan kepada sesama pecinta kuliner. Sebelumnya pastikan Anda sudah terdaftar sebagai pengguna dengan memasukkan alamat email.Selama membiarkan perut dalam kondisi kosong saat berpuasa, pastikan Anda telah 'mengisinya' dengan asupan gizi seimbang. Sayuran, sebagai salah satu sumber gizi dan kaya serat menjadi bagian dari daftar menu sehari-hari saat makan malam dan santap sahur. Aplikasi ini akan menginspirasi Anda untuk memasak menu sayur yang berbeda setiap harinya. Ada 30 resep sayur sehat dengan pilihan memasak tumis hingga bersantan.Ingin menu yang juga bisa menghangatkan tubuh saat cuaca dingin? Anda bisa mencoba resep sup sebagai alternatif makan sahur. Komposisi sayur dan bahan-bahan pendukung yang lengkap bisa disajikan dengan nasi atau sumber karbohidrat lain seperti roti gandum. Aplikasi ini menyediakan 30 resep sup dasar seperti Tom Yum, Sup Pangsit, Sup Iga Kacang Merah dan beragam resep sup lainnya.Sudah punya inspirasi untuk menyajikan menu menarik pertama saat santap sahur dan berbuka puasa nanti? Selamat mencobanya di rumah. (vin/dew)

Gadget sniffs out bladder cancer in just 30 minutes

LONDON: Scientists have developed a new device that can 'smell' bladder cancer from certain odours in the urine and give an accurate diagnosis within 30 minutes. Researchers from the University of Liverpool and University of the West of England, (UWE Bristol), built the device, called ODOREADER that contains a sensor which responds to chemicals in gas emitted from urine. The device, constructed in the laboratories at UWE Bristol's Institute of Biosensor Technology, analyses this gas and produces a 'profile' of the chemicals in urine that can be read by scientists to diagnose the presence of cancer cells in the bladder. There are currently no reliable biomarkers to screen patients for bladder cancer in the same way that there are for breast and cervical cancers. Previous research has suggested that a particular odour in the urine could be detected by dogs trained to recognize the scent, indicating that methods of diagnoses could be based on the smell of certain gases. The device works by inserting a bottle containing the urine sample into the device. About 30 minutes later the ODOREADER is capable of showing the diagnosis.

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BLOG: Gadget Claims to Take the Itch Out of Your Bug Bite

Are summer bug bites driving you nuts? Are you trying to scratch with no avail? It seems calamine lotion has some competition. This thing has nothing to do with home remedies, it's bringing technology to beat your bite.

The FDA confirms Therapik delivers bug bite relief. We haven't used it, so we can't speak from experience.

What It Is:

A handheld electronic device which deliver heat to stop the bug bite.

How It Works:

Reports show most insect venom is sensitive to heat-technically speaking, thermolabile. The device deliver heat to your bites in the temperature range needed to neutralize the venom.

How You Use It:

Press the device to the bite and turn the device on, holding it on the bite for 30 seconds.

The product retails for around $13, and weighs 4 oz.

You can find more about the Therapik here.

Nokia Lumia 1020: How to Leak a Gadget Like a Pro

This post reflects the opinions of the author and not necessarily those of Mashable as a publication.

It may be the worst-kept secret in tech since the iPad.

The coming Nokia PureView Windows Phone, the Lumia 1020, has been leaked more times than an NSA PowerPoint. Over the past few weeks, we've seen a video of the phone's camera, a press photo, a photo of the gadget in the wild and another press photo. Now comes apparent confirmation of the phone's existence and name from none other than the head of Windows Phone at Microsoft.

Joe Belfiore, corporate vice president of Windows Phone at Microsoft, publicly posted at least two photos on his Flickr profile with metadata that reveals they were taken by a camera called the 'Nokia Lumia 1020,' which was first discovered by The Verge. Since no phone yet exists with that model number, it stands to reason it's the phone Nokia is planning to reveal at an event on Thursday in New York City.

Nokia wouldn't comment on the leaks, but the company appears to be taking a rather lax approach to keeping its imminent product announcements secret. A few days before the Nokia Lumia 928 was revealed in May, a two-page ad confirming its existence appeared in Vanity Fair.

Nokia's invitations for the Lumia 1020 event read, 'Zoom. Reinvented,' so there's already a little to chew on in the invite alone. Clearly, the company is strongly pushing its PureView cameraphone technology as a differentiator, and since Windows Phone is Nokia's smartphone platform, the product is, in all likelihood, a PureView Windows Phone - just as had been rumored.

Then came the leaks, which happen with many big tech reveals. But the Windows Phone chief so brazenly outing the product takes them to a new level. What's going on?

These could be genuine leaks, discovered by enthusiasts and intrepid tech reporters in search of a good story. It's also possible that Nokia architected them to drum up buzz for its product. Indeed, Belfoire hasn't gone out of his way to take down the Lumia 1020 photos from his Flickr stream.

When a product launch is imminent, a company doesn't have a lot to lose if some details leak early. Competitors can't exactly pivot on a dime, and the leaks will probably do more to cultivate interest in an upcoming event rather than detract from it.

The leaks, if they do stem from Nokia (and there's no evidence that they have), are a good example of how to make leaks work for you. Once your event is confirmed (Nokia sent invitations out in early June), slowly tease out a few details of the product as the event approaches.

Importantly, you shouldn't reveal too much, such as complete specs or multiple hands-on photos. When that happened with Sony's 'PlayStation phone,' the Xperia Play, a few years ago, it worked against the product. It's not clear whether those were real or controlled leaks (probably the former), but when the device was finally teased for the first time during Super Bowl 2011, many people thought the product had already been announced.

With the Lumia 1020, the leaks have so far worked in Nokia's favor. Although we already know what the device looks like, that's not a big deal because all Windows Phones look very similar. We still don't know a lot about the specs of the most important feature, the camera - although past PureView phones give strong clues.

We'll get the full picture Thursday, if you'll excuse the pun. And thanks to a few leaks, planned or unplanned, we're probably a bit more interested than we would be otherwise.

Do you think leaks work for or against a product launch? Let us know in the comments.

Image by Mashable, Pete Pachal

Oppo Siapkan Kamera Android Pesaing Samsung Galaxy Camera

NEWSGADGETUPDATE.BLOGSPOT.COM, China : Selain bermain di pasar smartphone, Samsung mencoba peruntungannya di segmen kamera pintar lewat jajaran produk seri Galaxy Camera. Mengikuti jejak Samsung, vendor ponsel berbasis Android asal China, Oppo dikabarkan akan segera memasuki pasar kamera pintar.Niat Oppo tampaknya akan segera diwujudkan dengan menggelar briefing untuk kamera berbasis Android. Sebagaimana dikutip dari GSM Arena, Senin (8/7/2013), kamera besutan Oppo itu disebutkan akan dibenami dengan fitur beresolusi tinggi, dan pemrosesan foto yang tetap bagus walaupun dalam kondisi pencahayaan yang kurang.Produk ini juga dikabarkan bakalan menawarkan fitur tambahan yakni replikasi gambar yang mendekati aslinya maupun desain bodi yang inovatif dengan antarmuka yang mendukung kreativitas penggunanya. Perangkat kamera pintar besutan Oppo itu dilengkapi dengan alat tambahan, yakni remote shutter dan flash.Sayangnya, informasi detil lainnya dari kamera canggih Android dari Oppo itu masih belum diketahui. Oppo sendiri belum mau mengkonfirmasikan kebenaran rumor baru yang beredar ini.Pasar smart camera yang terbilang potensial kini masih dikuasai Samsung dengan seri Galaxy NX Camera itu masih sepi pemain. Maka, bukan tak mungkin bila Oppo dan sejajaran vendor lainnya ikut meramaikan pasar kamera canggih dengan sistem operasi pintar seperti Android. Tunggu saja kabar berikutnya. (den/dew)

Sephora using high

GRAND RAPIDS, MI -- What began as a high-tech gadget developed for manufacturing is now a tool to help shoppers avoid wasting money on the wrong makeup.

X-Rite's new Pantone product Capsure is helping women match their skin color to the right shade of foundation.

Capsure is a a spectrocolormeter that identifies the color of a customer's skin in seconds, then finds the closest matches from a library of color palettes loaded into its memory.

Sephora is testing the device in a handful of stores nationwide, including the Grand Rapids market where the color products maker is headquartered.

'It's so easy to use,' said Amy Davis, Sephora beauty leader for the cosmetics store in JCPenney at Woodland Mall in Kentwood.

Even with training, it's still difficult for the human eye to always accurately match the right foundation to skin color because of variables such as skin undertones and lighting.

Capsure was designed to take into account the translucent nature of skin, its texture and variations in color in a small measurement area.

It does that by using proprietary camera technology that illuminates the skin from three different directions while recording 27 color-accurate images within two seconds. The result is that shadows and other factors that distort the color are eliminated.

With eight different visible illuminations and one ultraviolet illumination, the instrument is able to more accurately define the location of a skin tone in color space than traditional colorimeters that typically have only three illuminations of red, green and blue light, says the company.

The color of the skin is then checked against the shades of 1,300 foundations Sephora carries to find the best matches. Capsure is even programmed so the data can be easily emailed to a customer so he or she can use the information for future purchases.

Davis estimates her team pulls out the store's Capsure 15 to 20 times a day to help customers choose the right foundation.

The handheld device received a 2013 Technology award from Cosmetics Business, a Switzerland-based media company that operates several magazines and websites.

The product is also being beta tested in Europe at 890 Boots UK stores, a drugstore chain.

The more upscale French retailer, Sephora, has branded the product as its Sephora + PANTONE Color IQ, and plans to roll out the technology to 300 stores in the U.S. and Canada this year.

One of those locations will be the new Sephora, opening Oct. 25 in the JCPenney store inside RiverTown Crossings mall in Grandville.

X-Rite also has a version of the product for the clothing industry to help apparel makers efficiently measure color accuracy across the supply chain, from materials to final products.